Category: Disaster Management
Articles in Indexed Journals: Publishing journal papers and books to present scientific findings to other researchers focused on sustainability in the built environment.
Hosseini, S. M. A., Farahzadi, L., & Pons, O. (2021). Assessing the sustainability index of different post-disaster temporary housing unit configuration types. Journal of Building Engineering, 42, 102806.
Robles, J. F. V., Picó, E. C., & Hosseini, S. M. A. (2022). Environmental performance assessment: A comparison and improvement of three existing social housing projects. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 5, 100077.
Hosseini, S. M. A., Mohammadi, L., Amirbagheri, K., & de la Fuente, A. (2023). Assessing humanitarian supply chain operations in the aftermath of the Kermanshah earthquake. Journal of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management, 13(4), 378-398.