Our GoAls
Based on our research group’s expertise, we enhance resilience and sustainability practices in the built environment through research, consultancy, education, and tool development.
Based on our research group’s expertise, we enhance resilience and sustainability practices in the built environment through research, consultancy, education, and tool development.
- Sustainable City
- Urban Resilience
- Humanitarian Architecture
We seek new techniques and methods to improve urban sustainability, particularly in buildings. We believe our task is to provide all occupants with high-quality, comfortable, healthy, and economically and environmentally friendly buildings. In this regard, our mission is to assess and design top-tier sustainable architecture by applying innovative methods. RESUME TECH research group members are experts in various fields, including architecture, civil engineering, materials, management, and social sciences, to deliver green and sustainable architecture.
We help urban areas, primarily metropolitan regions, including their inhabitants and built environments, prepare for potential future risks. Drawing on the knowledge and experience of our group members, we apply a decision support system to introduce a risk assessment plan. In this context, we assess emergency responses, organizational cooperation, infrastructure and building quality, local culture, potential, requirements, special characteristics, secondary hazards, sanitation, debris management, and emergency services conditions. Furthermore, we offer educational programs for the public to increase their ability to maintain continuity through all shocks and stresses.
This line of RESUME TECH activities focuses on post-disaster and affordable housing. The RESUME TECH research group emphasizes R&D activities and business initiatives to present suitable technologies to clients, including governmental and nongovernmental entities. Leveraging our expertise, we offer appropriate housing management solutions by combining local potentials and needs to achieve maximum success.
New Professional Seminar
New Professional Seminar