
RESUME TECH provides professional and scientific consulting services to improve the quality of the built environment during design, construction, and operation phases. Services include:

  • Energy
  • LCA & LCCA
  • Resilience
  • Disaster Management
  • Sustainable & Green
  • BIM


Offering energy simulation throughout the project lifecycle, innovative design solutions, and the application of renewable energy techniques to enhance energy performance.


Providing life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost assessment (LCCA) services to evaluate the economic and environmental performance of projects from cradle to grave/cradle.


Consulting to increase the resilience of built environment projects and communities through design, construction technology, resource optimization, waste management, and occupant behavior.

Disaster Management

Offering expertise in sheltering, housing, logistics, supply chain, and social and health issues for disaster management.

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Sustainable & Green

Evaluating sustainability indexes of projects and providing consultancy to enhance these indexes, including assistance with international green building rating system certifications.


Offering Building Information Modelling (BIM) consultancy to provide accurate and computational information in 3D project models.